Minnov8 contributor, Phil Wilson, has launched a new Twitter app just for the fun of it. ComicTwit, a name derived from the combination of ‘comic wit’ and ‘Twitter’, launched “live and in full-screen beta!” late today. “I was looking for a way to inject more fun into micro-blogging. I like to say ComicTwit will put the ‘wit” in Twitter,” says Wilson.
Twitter’ers are invited to compose a joke, anecdote, or one liner at www.ComicTwit.com and submit it. After moderation, the “tWIT” rolls into a queue which posts to Twitter and an on-site archive so people can see all ComicTwit’s posted. “Right now we’re posting to Twitter about once an hour. Hopefully that will always leave our followers wanting more…one of the cardinal rules of comedy, ya know,” Wilson says.
The challenge will be to come up comedy in just 140 characters. “One-liners are easy. Jokes are another story, one that has to be told in very few words.” Though it doesn’t have to be original, fresh comedy is great. “Why not try out your new stuff before your next appearance on Conan…or at lunch with your peeps. If not, just make us laugh.”
Invitations went out to a select group of Tweeple (Wilson’s name for Twitter microbloggers….NOT mine!) including me, late Thursday afternoon. Wilson noted, “This is really a labor of love and we are all about the beta. We’ll see how much creativity is out there in the Twitterverse and see how the application handles it. I’ve got a ton of folks to thank for making it happen especially Steve Borsch and Johnee Bee.”
In addition to writing for Minnov8, Phil runs RemainComm, a media consultancy and blog. He is also the co-founder of Localtone Systems, designing and implementing user generated and controlled music applications including Localtone Radio. For those of us who know Phil Wilson well, I should end this post with one, little factoid: ComicTwit is the perfect and logical creation from the mind of a guy we all affectionately know as a truly world-class smart-ass!