If I googled you – what would I find, how fast would I find it, and what initial impression would I form?
Personal branding is in and the premise is simple: people search for other people online and extendr.com makes it easier to be found online while enabling one to retain control over their own unique digital introduction destiny.
Call it a launch pad, virtual porch, or online hub. It’s all the same if you can take your digital breadcrumbs (social links, contact info, portfolio, CV, favorites, etc.) and aggregate them into one customizable & search engine friendly source. It’s simple, free, and it works especially well for those too illiterate and/or cheap for a professional personal website and too busy to consistently maintain a functional blog.
The tour feature allows for someone to visit your extendr page and browse the various links/websites that you have included, all within the extendr frame. This offers two distinct benefits: (1) ensuring that whoever is seeking can find everything (and then some) under one roof, and (2) less time spent back and forth jumping from site to site.
Isn’t it pleasurable when you can efficiently locate and access what it is your looking for online? Consider extendr a great personal marketing tool, as we (as searchers) are forming unforgiving subconscious first impressions and subsequent judgments based on how accessible people are choosing to make themselves online-or rather-not. For example, if you’ve taken the upfront time to make it easy for me to find you online then it tells me that you respect my time. This would likely lead to a favorable first impression as opposed to having to sift through pages of SERPs.
Go to extendr.com now and get running in a few minutes. What’s that? You already have a personal website/blog? Already profiled in google? Fair enough… but isn’t it better to cast one’s personal branding net as far and wide as possible given the option?