As mentioned on our podcast “Minnov8 Gang 104 – We Are All Virtual Now“, listeners who emailed in with the code word (it was ‘zap’) would be entered in a drawing to win a copy of Julio Ojeda Zapata’s new-hot-off-the-presses book “iPad Means Business“.
Our winner? Jim Roots (@jbroots) from St. Paul. Among other adventures, Jim and his wife Stephanie run AvaBava Designs, a business they started due to her passion for creating fun accessories including hair clips, headbands, super-hero masks and flower hats for children, and since Jim had business, marketing and his own creative passions that would nicely round out what a startup like theirs would require.
The business began and quickly evolved after a chance encounter when a children’s store owner spotted their daughter wearing a floral headband Stephanie had made. The owner wanted to know if she would make more floral headbands for her to sell in her shop, so she did, and they now also sell her wares on the wildly successful “makers and buyers” site Etsy. Take a peek at their very fun, creative and beautiful products here.
After connecting with Jim to let him know he’d won—and asking if he’d send along his address so Julio could ship him the book—Jim sent along this very nice email to Tim, Graeme, Phil and I which I just had to share:
Steve and the Minnov8 crew,
Thank you! I’m excited about the book! As requested I shared a note with Julio with my address. You guys do a fantastic job with the show and thank you for bringing light to the wealth of creative digital talent in the Twin Cities.
BTW – I reconnected with Graeme at a Best Buy/STAR Collaborative event a few months ago to hear thoughts from Larry Lieberman on social media. Graeme – you are a hoot! I’m looking forward to talking with you again soon and welcome the chance to meet with the whole crew. After we met I went through your podcast archives and really enjoyed the tour. You guys are now the highlight of my commute.
Thanks again for the book and I’m also looking forward to hearing your 2011 tech predictions.
Merry Christmas and Joyous New Year!
Most importantly to me—and since I get so much teasing on my music selections that kick off and wrap up the podcast—I truly appreciated Jim adding a “P.S.” at the end of his note that said, “Steve, Keep picking out those killer blues tracks!” You bet I will, Jim. 😉