If you’re in an IT professional or follow developments at all in this field, you’ve undoubtedly been noticing an almost endless amount of media coverage and online discussion lately about “cloud computing” — one example being a front page story in The Wall Street Journal yesterday. But, even if you’re just an Internet consumer, you too are hearing your share of the hype. After all, many consumer Internet applications are also now accessed “in the cloud,” as opposed to being software you install on your own computer — Google’s Gmail probably being the best example.
Well, one local entrepreneur, George Reese, is right smack in the middle of all this buzz, and is in a position to help clear up a lot of the confusion about it — especially for enterprises looking to take advantage of the economic benefits of this form of computing.
His new book on the subject is scheduled to be released by O’Reilly on April 10. It’s entitled “Cloud Application Architectures: Building Applications and Infrastructure in the Cloud.” (And here’s the Amazon link.) George is a Minneapolis-based technologist and startup founder. I’ve known him since late 2006 and thought it would be interesting to get his thoughts on this very hot topic, and hear the story behind his book. This is an interview I conducted with George earlier this week, which first appeared on the cloud computing site Cloud Ave. … [Read More…]