Increasingly we’re all swimming in a river of news, information and communications, and the flow is moving faster all the time. Not only are more of us accessing content online instead of paying attention to a handful of traditional media offerings, more of us are shifting our attention to such services as Twitter and what’s becoming known as the real time web, called that since frequently these services are the first place alerts, news stories and even trendy topics are emerging.
This real time web is becoming more important, but it’s further diluting the attention we can pay to any one piece of news, information or communication. One reason it’s importance is increasing is that more of us can access the real time web with our computers, of course, but especially with our mobile devices which we carry about wherever we go.
Because of this ability to connect with online services regardless of where we are, more of us are always on and always connected and our attention is split between an ever growing array of places online. We’re able to pay attention to this news, information and communication flow in the grocery store, while waiting in our car at a stoplight, while our kids are huddled with the coach during a momentary lull in their soccer game, or when we’re watching a TV show or political debate and “discussing” it with those whom we’re connected with through these sorts of services like Twitter.
Our dispersed attention isn’t just a problem for each of us trying to keep our heads above water in that rapidly flowing river of stuff, it’s also a huge problem if you are an entrepreneur, marketer, salesperson, small business owner, or even a teacher or cub scout leader trying to communicate the essence of your message and get people to pay attention to you and to it whether that message is delivered in person or online.
Thankfully there are some new models emerging that are beginning to point the way toward how we must communicate in a world with a scarcity of attention and is enabling more of us to understand how to cut to the chase and get the essence of our points across…. [Read More…]