Thursday’s Apple iPad launch was the most hotly anticipated technology launch event in years. To say there was enthusiasm for the device amongst many is obvious, but the disappointment felt by technologists and geeks is palpable. We explore the iPad — it’s good points and bad — with Julio Ojeda Zapata, the St. Paul Pioneer Press ( technology reporter who was at the event and had hands-on use of the device and he was live tweeting and posting photos which you can see on this page (
As you probably already know, Julio writes a Tech Test Drive column about gadgets, apps and social media (among other things). He is the author of Twitter Means Business, one of the first books about Twitter. He is also a sometime co-host of the Minnov8 Gang podcast (and will join us this Saturday to discuss this Apple event in more detail) and focuses his commentary on tech trends. See his Posterous geekstream. Contact him by e-mail or follow him on Twitter.
Hosts: Steve Borsch, Tim Elliott, Graeme Thickins and Phil Wilson.
Music: Duane Andrews and the tune is “Mr. Butler”.
The Podcast
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Discussed during the show notes:
+ Like to see the iPad Nano?
+ Mary Meeker’s Web 2.0 Summit presentation (PDF) & we referred to slide #38
+ Video of Walt Mossberg at the iPad launch, a portion of which he’s talking with Steve Jobs
+ Bill Heyman of Minnesota-based Codemorphic (mobile app developers) post on the iPad
+ Steve Borsch’s article on MinnPost about the iPad & his Apple A4 chip post and another post on Apple opening up VoIP
+ Leo Laporte head of TWiT and tech journalist Natali Del Conte
+ Stanza was acquired in 2009 by Amazon & The Wall Street Journal’s take on Apple vs. Amazon
+ Hitler’s response to the iPad